Tuesday 16 April 2013


HAD to post this.

Extremely busy with homework and all now, so gotta go.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Highway Patrol

Wow. Was just watching Highway Patrol and there are some seriously thick cops around. They threw a spike strip down for an escaping car to drive over, and whoopsy-daisy, forgot to pull it up for the two police cars! The officer just grinned ans said "Oops". Seriously. $80 per tyre, and you just wasted eight of 'em. $640 taxpayer dollars down the drain, thickhead. BASH THE BASTARD!!!

Wednesday 10 April 2013


Seriously. I just read a thing in the paper about youth deciding what they want for Christchurch's future. One said 'Christchurch should have a theme park so they don't have to go to Australia for their thrills.'. Wow, genius, you really thought that one through. Like, we could totally compare to Brisbane or the Gold Coast as a tourist area. Hell yeah, we got the beach babes, the hundreds of hotels, the massive airport, the sharks, the HEAT. Yeah we could definitely start a theme park here. In fact, why not start three? Because, hey, competition! And while we're at it, we'll build a few Sky Towers, launch a couple of TV shows, put a sign on the Port Hills saying Christchurchywood, and let's even throw a Disneyland into the mix while we're at it. Because there's a HUGE 50000 kids to satisfy here, and heaven knows that they'll be going to the theme park every day of their lives in Christchurch. And y'know, because Christchurch is about as far away from anywhere as you can GET, the tourist demand is huge. 

They say God gave you a brain, so use it. This particular 14 year old, maybe he missed the line.

Um, I THINK that's it.....

Oh yeah.
