Wednesday, 13 August 2014

When I'm a Billionaire! (oh oh, oh oh...)

I have no idea whatsoever why I started my post with that title.

I don't even know why I'm writing a post.

Seriously, it's 9.41pm and I should be going to bed. Welcome to Procrastination City, contained in the entirety of my bedroom and ruled by a dictatorship of iron that consists solely of me, with a population of one human, three spiders that I can't find but I know exist due to cobwebs, and multiple invisible bacteria. I rule them with an iron fist.

That's not my point today. Today is List Day, because I feel like it and I need to not be bored of else I may not make it to next year. NCEA is the greatest serial killer, trust me.

The List I give you today is one of great importance. It will change you life forever.

Ladies and Gentlemen and Other, I present the List:


6. Wiz Khalifa. I don't know why, I just don't think he should.

5. Kristen Stewart. Mar's first impression of humans should not be that we have no expressions.

4. Russell Brand. He'll probably try shagging a red rock or something equally ridiculous.

3. Lorde. If she "cuts her teeth on wedding rings" (direct quote from Royals), good god knows what she's going to do to herself outside of a padded cell.

2. Vladimir Putin. He'll lay a Russian flag and when the American spacecraft following him gets shot down he'll blame Ukraine.

1. Larry King. See below.

(I seriously can't believe I made that list, my mind must be on another planet.)
