Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Bio-Ethics...uh, what?

Today we had a talk on Bio-Ethics. Now before you go oh, those people. Hippies, let me tell you; we had a physics master, two, uh, geniuses, and a brain surgeon. But now lets go back to the hippies thing. Two were gay and one was a nutter. So, maybe the whole Big Bang theory stuff isn't that wrong. Genii are actually kind of hopeless. So, uh, Bio-Ethics. Basically its about what right and wrong. An example they gave is you're stuck in an underground cavern and it's filling up with water. You're probably going to drown unless you can fit through that narrow opening at the top. The first person to try to go through is real fat, and gets stuck. Should you just pull him down and let the other five through so they can survive, or should you all drown?. Well, pun to the brain surgeon, but what a NO BRAINER. Kill tha fat guy. Its not like he helps the overall picture of our country anyway. But apparently you shouldn't do that. So, um, I won't comment on that but, hey, Bio-Ethics! Sweet. Just count me out.

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