Sunday, 28 July 2013

Latest News on ChannelThatNobodyCaresAbout 3

This is disturbing. I have a visitor from Venezuela. Until about ten minutes ago I did not know how to SPELL Venezuela. But hey, you learn something everyday. Unless you're at school.

I have a good excuse for not posting for...shit it's been three months. Thats a while. Not in the context of the universe being around for fourteen billion years, but in cyberspace its a while. Anyway, my excuse is being in Europe for two months without my beloved laptop. Hmm, beloved sounds creepy. My good ol' laptop. Meh. Too Texas/redneck. But yeah, I've been away. Its done me good. France is cool, Italy is cool, England...could do with a better traffic management system. And less I SCREWED YOUR MOTHER t-shirts. Guys, come on.

But this post is about more than just...uh...stuff. This post is about X Factor. Or as the TV stations like to call it:


 Seriously, though. The all-encompassing doom of X Factor has managed to crawl it's way past border security (which is little) through the conscience of Television New Zealand (which is zero) and onto our shores. Your might think "Whats so wrong with X Factor?". Well, I could just use those two words: One Direction. I could also add the supposedly successful judges. I mean, Britney Spears had two divorces, plenty of psychological meltdowns and way too much plastic surgery. Hardly a role model for impressionable little Carly Rose Soneclar. Or maybe we could throw in the dreadfully accented Reece Mastin of Austrabritannia, as his voice suggests. And then there's the failures. Nobody remembers G4, the band that came second in 2004. Whereas Coldplay were making it then, and certainly didnt need X bloody Factor. Or maybe Joe Elderberry. Also a UK winner. What about Josh Krajck, the runner-up of USA 2011? Failures. The only famed ones are those who placed second, third, etc. Which means the judges misjudge. All. The. Time. 

This time Jackie Thomas won the X Factor New Zealand. This was first ruined by one of the judge's creepy staring, while the other judge said 'bro' about fifty times per episode. Then there was the development of the singer. She started out fine enough. But singing isnt what is wanted for X Factor. No, no Skinny Love won't do. Apparently the X Factor is having an autotuned single with too much background crap. Cough, Kelly Clarkson.

I won't go on as it's getting late, but I pledge on this day to not watch next year's season. It will be crap. If talent exists, let it happen. Don't squeeze it out, genetically modify it and re-insert it. You'll end up a Barbie doll. Useful for the first ten minutes out of shop.


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