Tuesday 8 January 2013

Biggest Ever Concerned Sibling Fail

I hate to use this STUPID, RIDICULOUS, NONSENSICAL slogan slash acronym, but OMG. This is something I call the...

Biggest Ever Concerned Sibling Fail.

So...this 12 year old girl (wish she was 13) in Waikato, New Zealand, decided to take a V8 Ford Falcon for a spin. Y'know, just to see the sights. Just the casual. Anyway, her concerned older sister (14), took off after her in a Nissan sportcar. Very sensible girl. I mean, to counteract having one crazy underage girl on the road, why don't we put another on? Brilliant!

And then she crashed into her sister.

At their own fecking driveway.


Neither was killed, but...just wow. It takes real driving skill to decide a red light is a "go" signal, but even more to crash into your own sister. This girl is amazing. Well done.

In other news, Anybody who is complaining about the cold in America, England, etc, can move to Australia or NZ. ITS BOILING. 32 degrees celsius in NZ, over 50 in Australia.

Who'd live in Australia anyway? We kiwis have a slogan.

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