Tuesday, 1 October 2013

2013; ACTORS

Okay, so recently the Emmys and the MTVs and whatever have been going...We're going to compile our very own list of BEST AND WORST AND DOWNRIGHT SHITTY ACTORS 2013. (I know MTVs are music. Shut up.)

1. Morgan Freeman. Nothing says Boss more than Morgan Freeman
2. Liam Nesson. I apologise, but I only got around to watching A Team yesterday. And Batman's latest trilogy. He. Is. The. Flucking. Man.
3. Samuel L Jackson. I shall refer not to Nick Fury, but to Django; "I count 6 bullets, nigger."
4. Christian Bale; Batman is awesome
5. Robert Downey Jr. Someone who plays both Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes is automatically on this list.

1. Robert Downey Jr. Straight up.
2. Johnny Depp. Come on, don't give me that look.
3. '

Actually, screw this. I'm going to present my dream movie instead.

Cast: Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr, Morgan Freeman, Jesse Eisenberg, Liam Neeson, Mark Ruffalo, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Lawrence, Anne Hathaway, Christian Bale, Leonardo DiCaprio, Judi Dench, Andrew Garfield, and last but not least, Irrfan Khan (he's the good-guy Indian scientist off 2012)

Director: James Cameron, Christopher Nolan and Steven Spielberg co-directing
Producers: Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro, maybe Quentin Tarantino.
Special FX producers: Michael Bay and Ridley Scott.

Screenplay writer: Derek Landy and Anthony Horowitz, along with Christopher Nolan.



Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Damn Hollywood/Stupidly stupid

I swear life is turning to schmidt.

First up, Syria are being a_wipes and getting told off by The United Stated of America International Police. Guys, we know you have a trillion-dollar military, but you don't need to find excuses to sue it. You don't even NEED it.

Secondly, I just saw Star Trek, Into Darkness. IT was terrible, saved only by the superiority of Benedict Cumberbach. He. Is. The. Best. Actor. Ever (contested by only R. Downey Jr, Depp and diCaprio).

And also, just to top off a stupidly stupid few days, Katy Perry has ripped off Lorde. Lorde started the craze of all-vocals, next-to-no-actual music singing with Royals, Tennis Court and Love Club. So Katy Perry goes and throws out Roar, which is slightly heavier than Lorde but only slightly. Damn Katy, no life.

So anyway, life is rapidly sinking. And when life begins to rapidly sink, you do two things. Drown your sorrows, and make a list. Just a random list. So today, everyone, I introduce to you...


5. The 2DS. Honestly, come up with an original name, Nintendo. Thats all on this subject.

4. Miley Cyrus "twerking". Everyone knows that if you truly want to lose the Disney, star in Spring Breakers. She didn't and this is how she made up for it. Although I wouldn't mind being Robin Thicke right now...

3. Tony Abbot's election campaign. He literally said" Vote for me, my daughters are hot." I thought that Julia Gillard was bad, but this is a whole new level of campaigning.

2. The Americas Cup. This is the luxury of ridiculously rich people spending enough money on a stupid sport to rebuild Christchurch, or send me to Mars. Also, there are now only two competitors. New Zealand (more ingenuity than money because NZ is poor as shit) and America. PS America's losing. And will lose.

1. But number one, as of today, must go to...Reality TV
I was going to put cooking shows, then Dream home shows. But they're all stupid. MasterChef is stupid because it's COOKING. Remember, when you're making spag bol it's NOT THAT EXCITING. And building a house just should NOT be worthy of a television program. I mean, all it does is say I AM BETTER THAN YOU AT LIFE. Also, Also, X Factor doesn't produce good singers. The only good reality show is Wipeout, because it's Wipeout.

Done for now. Bye.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Yay. Just got the new Skulduggery Pleasant book. Do tell me I read too much, because I do. Do tell me I watch too much Geordie Shore and Big Bang Theory, because I do. Don't tell me to be ashamed of it.


(because Geordie Shore is just too hilariously idiotic to ignore)

PS the book is really long.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Tech Shit

Hello, Minions.

It's getting lonely here. So I have taken it upon myself to do something. And that something is...


Lets go.

1. Blackberry Z10. Nobody wanted a touchscreen from Blackberry, as it would be crap. So they did it anyway. And hola, it was shit. No Android, a bulky, horrid handset, sitting beside the iPhone in Worst Operating Systems Ever.

2. iPad Mini. This was the most pathetic game of catch-up ever. Apple knew they had to do it, and yet they failed. No Retina display (obviously so they could add it next year and call it revolutionary), a 5mp camera begging to be upgraded to 8mp in 2013, and most of all, it was only ten bucks more expensive than the cheapest iPod Touch. So...either Apple are making a huge loss on the Mini, or (more likely) massively overpricing the iPod.

3. This wasn't actually a 2012-2013 device, but it was so ridiculous it deserves mocking. Zune. Microsoft Zune. A rival to iPod, it flopped. Nobody wanted it, as Apple had well and truly taken the non-cellular entertainment device market to a 100% share. Microsoft, stick to Windows. You do most things better than Apple, but don't combat iPod. iPod is, and for the foreseeable future will be, king. And queen, for you stupid feminist people that insist I should stay home and cook and clean while women change tyres and drink beer.

4. Mozilla Firefox phone. Thats right. An OS based on Firefox. Lets not even get started.

5. And...yes, I will do it. iPhone 5. The iPhone needed a major reboot, and thats not what happened. What happened was a ridiculously lengthened screen, with no other upgrade AT ALL. Come on. I hate Apple, but surely they won't stop THERE. I expected a 13-15mp camera. A flash new set of shit to play with. Something else. Heres the difference between Apple and Samsung. Apple work something amazing out and say "We'll drag it out. What if we run out of new ideas, what will we do then?" Samsung go "Heres a genius new idea, create an entirely new phone around it and also include it in the Galaxy S4/S5/S6 whatever.


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Jono & Ben

Uh, hi.

I really have no idea why I thought about this crap. It may or may not have something to do with the fact that it popped up while I was in a social studies reliever class, where we did absolutely nothing for 50 minutes straight. I'd like to know why learning about Jews emigrating to Palestine is any use to anybody going through the NZ education system, by the way.

Anyway, that not the point. My first whinge (spellcheck thinks whinge isnt a word. It IS.), is that of sandflies and God. And death. They are related through the prospect that all things go to heaven. Rabbits, humans, whatever. Anyway, if we kill a sand-fly, it's going to be waiting for us in heaven or hell or whatever. So I have just realised that slapping a sand-fly against a car window not only will condemn me for killing an animal, it also condemns me to eternity with that damn sand-fly, where it cannot be killed. Stupid religion. NOBODY LIKED YOU ANYWAY, GOD.

Oh and by the way, for all you who buy free-range eggs, think about what you're really supporting. You're supporting animal equality. You want chickens to have a good life.

So if you must have animal equality, stop now and never, ever stand on a spider again. Or slap a sandfly. OR whatever. You want animal equality. You can bloody have it. All being equal is communism, and everyone knows communism is impossible. Im. Po. Ssi. Ble. So go on, animal communists. Be like that. Because vegetarianism isn't showing a greater-good heroism for animals, it's showing your lack of intelligence to see that communism never has, and never will work. It's basically walking around with a gigantic hat saying HERES AN IDIOT, BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM!!!!!

I'm done for the moment, except for my latest YouTube thing. Jono and Ben. They're Kiwis, so the stuff they do is local, and hilarious. I'll post one of my personal favourites below, and another with my next post.

WATCH IT. Its awesomeness.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Latest News on ChannelThatNobodyCaresAbout 3

This is disturbing. I have a visitor from Venezuela. Until about ten minutes ago I did not know how to SPELL Venezuela. But hey, you learn something everyday. Unless you're at school.

I have a good excuse for not posting for...shit it's been three months. Thats a while. Not in the context of the universe being around for fourteen billion years, but in cyberspace its a while. Anyway, my excuse is being in Europe for two months without my beloved laptop. Hmm, beloved sounds creepy. My good ol' laptop. Meh. Too Texas/redneck. But yeah, I've been away. Its done me good. France is cool, Italy is cool, England...could do with a better traffic management system. And less I SCREWED YOUR MOTHER t-shirts. Guys, come on.

But this post is about more than just...uh...stuff. This post is about X Factor. Or as the TV stations like to call it:


 Seriously, though. The all-encompassing doom of X Factor has managed to crawl it's way past border security (which is little) through the conscience of Television New Zealand (which is zero) and onto our shores. Your might think "Whats so wrong with X Factor?". Well, I could just use those two words: One Direction. I could also add the supposedly successful judges. I mean, Britney Spears had two divorces, plenty of psychological meltdowns and way too much plastic surgery. Hardly a role model for impressionable little Carly Rose Soneclar. Or maybe we could throw in the dreadfully accented Reece Mastin of Austrabritannia, as his voice suggests. And then there's the failures. Nobody remembers G4, the band that came second in 2004. Whereas Coldplay were making it then, and certainly didnt need X bloody Factor. Or maybe Joe Elderberry. Also a UK winner. What about Josh Krajck, the runner-up of USA 2011? Failures. The only famed ones are those who placed second, third, etc. Which means the judges misjudge. All. The. Time. 

This time Jackie Thomas won the X Factor New Zealand. This was first ruined by one of the judge's creepy staring, while the other judge said 'bro' about fifty times per episode. Then there was the development of the singer. She started out fine enough. But singing isnt what is wanted for X Factor. No, no Skinny Love won't do. Apparently the X Factor is having an autotuned single with too much background crap. Cough, Kelly Clarkson.

I won't go on as it's getting late, but I pledge on this day to not watch next year's season. It will be crap. If talent exists, let it happen. Don't squeeze it out, genetically modify it and re-insert it. You'll end up a Barbie doll. Useful for the first ten minutes out of shop.


Tuesday, 16 April 2013


HAD to post this.

Extremely busy with homework and all now, so gotta go.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Highway Patrol

Wow. Was just watching Highway Patrol and there are some seriously thick cops around. They threw a spike strip down for an escaping car to drive over, and whoopsy-daisy, forgot to pull it up for the two police cars! The officer just grinned ans said "Oops". Seriously. $80 per tyre, and you just wasted eight of 'em. $640 taxpayer dollars down the drain, thickhead. BASH THE BASTARD!!!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Seriously. I just read a thing in the paper about youth deciding what they want for Christchurch's future. One said 'Christchurch should have a theme park so they don't have to go to Australia for their thrills.'. Wow, genius, you really thought that one through. Like, we could totally compare to Brisbane or the Gold Coast as a tourist area. Hell yeah, we got the beach babes, the hundreds of hotels, the massive airport, the sharks, the HEAT. Yeah we could definitely start a theme park here. In fact, why not start three? Because, hey, competition! And while we're at it, we'll build a few Sky Towers, launch a couple of TV shows, put a sign on the Port Hills saying Christchurchywood, and let's even throw a Disneyland into the mix while we're at it. Because there's a HUGE 50000 kids to satisfy here, and heaven knows that they'll be going to the theme park every day of their lives in Christchurch. And y'know, because Christchurch is about as far away from anywhere as you can GET, the tourist demand is huge. 

They say God gave you a brain, so use it. This particular 14 year old, maybe he missed the line.

Um, I THINK that's it.....

Oh yeah.


Monday, 25 March 2013

Brain anti-blank

Great. Now its the exact fecking OPPOSITE. Brain too full. Need to Alt-F4 some stuff. Like FRENCH. And R.E. And as for homework...REBOOT WINDOWS.

Although-oh hang on.

Right. Just had to move a COW off the fecking lawn. You'd think an electric fence would be enough...
Anyway, as I was ABOUT to say, (that dickheads mooing at me right outside my window. ANGRY SNARL), I've been watching some YouTube of an old show called the Two Ronnies. Check this out:

Actually this is a new one. One of the Ronnies died. Probably died laughing, or giving insurance against Catholicism to a Jew...(not joking)

Sunday, 17 March 2013


Goddamn it. Blogger doesn't tell you where my old domain name has relocated to.


Got less time to think these days. Which means less blog posts. In fac,t right now I'm so bored to tears I can't even think of a decent post subject, which means I'll chicken out and show a meme.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Cynical birthday

Just before I catch a few winks, had a thought today. Why do we celebrate birthdays? It's like celebrating the getting-closer-to of death.

Now THAT was negative.

Just putting a spin on it! Happy birthday to all blog readers who read this and have a cold chill go through their brains on their next birthday. Sorry!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


It's funny how mental blows are worse than physical blows.

Like, I opened a gliding invoice and, like, I'd spent the whole year working to pay for the camp. Eight hundred bucks, plus another 120 I paid towards food, and another 800 from a aviation trust. 

Now, four months later, it's bloody $230 MORE I need to pay. And I hardly did any flying!

Man, when I got that email, not even Chuck Norris could've taken that. I'm trying to pay for a phone replacement thanks to a crapped-out battery, and then THAT happens. Plus the phone price I looked at also has $80 I need to throw in for the GST price the online store didn't show (Note: NEVER shop at Expansys).


I'll stop whinging now. 

Photo time!

Thursday, 28 February 2013


It's official; our school has the worst NCEA results in the country.

Things are lookin' good.

In other news, we have had official confirmation that 20 percent of One Direction is male! According to my 1D - crazed friend's sister, Harry Styles (what kind of a name is that?) was hit in the nuts by a flying shoe at a concert. A doctor confirmed this was true, although he did say "the fan must have had pinpoint accuracy as they are quite something of a small target". Obviously we still assume the rest of his friends are either gay or female, so...

Also revealed today, my maths teacher is crazy. Like, we saw her HIP FLASK today. She got so pissed off cos one of the guys put a Pepsi bottle on the window sill, with opens and leads to a three-story drop, and I threw a pencil at it. It toppled off. Thankfully neither her or the principal it spilt over saw it was me. Hehe.


Gotta go.



Wednesday, 20 February 2013

This is SHIT

These are the school computers.

There's literally a three-second gap between pressing the key and having it appear on-screen.

This post took fifteen minutes to write.


Monday, 18 February 2013

Asdf movie 6

I'm sorry, I just HAVE to post this clip. If you haven't seen it, you haven't lived.

Favourite part; "Welcome to standing up school!"
*student falls over
"And, you fail."

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Stupid proverbs

This post is about why proverbs are stupid. Dad always passed stuff down from gran, and repeated it forever until it was drilled into my head. So ANNOYING. Today is INTERNATIONAL CORRECTION DAY. THE DAY WE SET THINGS RIGHT FOR ALL HUMANITY!!!!

1. "Don't count your chickens before they've hatched". No, genius, you count the EGGS that CONTAIN the fecking chickens.

2. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink". Yes, you can. Feeding tube down the throat with an anti-regurgitation valve. It might kill him, but at least he drank the water.

3. "Two heads are better than one". No they're not. More weight on your neck, impossible to play football, and extra-large pillow, as well as the requirement for huge-necked t-shirts.

4. "Good things come to those who wait". What about a lolly scramble?

5. "What goes up must come down". What if you take a coffin UP a hill, and bury it up there? Or go to space and live there forever? Or move to Mars?

6. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em". Wha if I'm competing with an American guy for most sales, and want to join his company instead? Oh wait, I don't have a green card!

7. "Practice makes perfect". What happened to "Nobody's Perfect"?

8. "Cleanliness is godliness". My grandmother is not a fecking god.

9. "God helps those who help themselves". Doesn't that defeat the purpose of God's help?

10. "The early bird catches the bird". What if the worm's a late starter as well?

11. "There's no such thing as a free lunch". Yes, there is. I've eaten from 8 free 'sausage sizzles' (as they call them) since July last year, and not one promoted anything except the food.

12. "A picture is worth a thousand words". Actually, if I take a picture on my camera, it's roughly 5 megabytes. 5 megabytes is 41 billion, 94 million, three thousand and forty bits. Each bit is either a "one" or a "zero". So a picture is actually worth over 40 billion words.

13. "Better late than never". What if it's an adrenaline injection that is needed urgently else the patient will die, and it arrives an hour late? The patient dies, NOT better late than never.

14. "Two wrongs don't make a right". Then how come two mathematical negatives equal one mathematical positive?

15. "The pen is mightier than the sword". Okay. You're in a Roman gladiator arena back when they did that crazy shit. The other guy holds a huge whopping 1.2 metre blade sharper than Einstein's mind, and the on-hand slave's offering you a pen with paper, or a equally intimidating 1.3 metre steel sword, double-edged. Are you seriously going to take the pen and write a letter of peace to this medieval Arnold Schwarznegger while he hurtles towards you with his death saber?


Saturday, 9 February 2013


I remember at school we once did a lesson on moods. No idea why, but we did. There was happy, sad, depressed, joyful, blah blah blah. I should've added "Mff". Mff is a good description of my mood.

Still got nothing to talk about.


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Insert post title here, or your post will have a title saying "Insert post title here".

Now, I know what you're thinking. Does this guy have anything better to talk about than the fecking WEATHER? Well, yes, I do. But small talk is made in the form of the weather, and I simply expand this small talk whenever I feel like it. DO NOT OBJECT. So anyway, guess what? Its COLD. God feck it. The mornings went straight from too hot to too cold. Not a single Goldilocks morning. Just fecking Ma 'n Pa bear. Baby bear pissed off to his girlfriend's.

Right. I DO have a more interesting subject to talk on, and it's...um, er, hang on (shuffles imaginary notes), uhh....


I'll come back to you tomorrow.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013



Like,  flew in from Auckland on a cheap seat (wedged between two morbidly obese woman, god feck it), at twenty to twelve two days ago, and it wasn't too bad. Auckland wasn't too hot.

Now its 33 DEGREES. Thats WWAAAAAAYYY too hot. I'm standing beside the freezer and still sweating. I wish Christchurch would stop cooking. I much prefer cold days.

Anyway, this post isn't about the horrid heat (althought it should be). Today's post is something different.


Yep. Maccas at Auckland Airport were selling Frozen Coke for MONOPOLY MONEY. Okay. Its cool. But...

1. Average traveller; does not carry FECKING MONOPOLY MONEY.

2. Say the average traveller WAS, he now has to rummage through his bag, pull the board game out, open it up, remove components to access money, close it all up, and buy the Coke. At least, imagine how STUPID he'd look. Also, he is now short of Monopoly bills, so the game (which he paid upwards of $30 for) is now worthless.

3. Frozen coke costs money to make. Monopoly money is not a valid currency in the financial market, and therefore McDonalds are losing big money if, say , 500 of the thousands of travellers buy it.

4. This is just fecking pointless.

5. I bought one.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

I hate weather

Right. So at like 6am (way too fecking early) two days ago, I DRAGGED myself out of bed. Endured a HALF HOUR car drive with the folks to the airport, waited AN HOUR AND A FECKING HALF for someone to work out how to operate the Jetstar computer (even though its technically all they do), and then got on the plane, a cramp-seat horror ride A320, seated tightly between my annoying brother and a complete stranger Asian who smelled of two minute noodles. And I HATE two minute noodles. Follow that up with the fact that it was still about 35 degrees, and the really irritating Aussie voice on the safety briefing, and you have total travel hell.

And then we landed in Auckland,


So we'd gone up north to escape the serious heat, and gotten friggin RAIN. We drove to Tauranga, and it was STILL raining. And then I had to fix grandad's internet to access the Web, becasue A: Telecom are useless, and B: Grandad needed a dictionary to spell "internet". So after telling Telecom that grandad would switch to Vodafone unless they gave him a new modem, hey, a new modems in the post!

And today it's humid. Really, really humid. It's not quite 35 degrees (29), but its just so MUGGY. Couldn't the world just have one, unchanging weather? Sunny with a chance of meatballs, perhaps?

So the internets going, the beach is looking really good, and my brothers are fighting over pool cues. I'd never be so immature. I'd just take all the balls away and ransom them for a cue.

Time to go. Apparently I need to go "explore the great outdoors", and "get some vitamin D".

Feckin shite.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

What's my title again?

Yeah....I've gone to the "Create Post" thingy...now what? I've got nothing to talk about!



Nope, its gone. Oh, wait, yeah. I WISH IT WOULD RAIN. I'ts been insanely hot here, like, yesterday was 35 degrees (Celsius, for you Yanks). I opened my window when I hit the sack last night, to let some cool air in, and all I got was this blast of air like a heater on full burst. The southerly clouds are hanging back tantalizingly, but the warm air is still blowing north west from Australia. So with all their damn bushfires and 40+ temperatures, we're getting the leftovers, and all their smoke blows TWO THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE KILOMETERS ACROSS THE TASMAN. Its just INSANE. To quote Marc Anthony "My body don't lie, let it rain over me." Although perhaps he had in a slightly different context. Who cares.

Either way, apparently global warming is still a hoax. Ma friend tells me that up in Tauranga they had way hotter summers when they were kids (like, twenty years ago.)

But hey, he lives in Tauranga. Of course its friggin hotter there.

Going there tomorrow anyway. Sweet as. Chillax at the beach...at least when its hot just jump in the water. Apparently there was a shark sighting there a few months back so hey, I'm going looking. Shark swimming's been on my bucket list since ages ago, so for free...yeah.

And now here's what happens when you take meth with your dog.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Annoying spoon

Hello. The wind is blowing like nothing earthly outside, so I've retreated to the laptop again...

Some of you may have heard about the new HAPIspoon. In fact, there's a HAPIspoon, HAPIfork, and a HAPIknife too. What do they do, you may wonder? Well, the handles are slightly thicker in order for them to accommodate various electronics that monitor your eating rate. If you're eating too fast, it buzzes and flashes a light, in order to slow your food consumption rate, and hopefully lose weight.

Now here's something it can't do. You can't speak to it, in order for it to comprehend "I NEED TO PICK UP MY DYING MOTHER FROM HOSPITAL YOU MORON, STOP BUZZING!!!!". It can't do that. It also can't tell the weight of your spoonfuls, so if you eat one pea per mouthful, this will really get on your nerves. Neither can it tell what food you are eating. Imagine using one of these at a spaghetti eating contest!

But if the whole buzzing and light flashing thing can't stop you devouring your amazing, incredible-tasting Pams Instant Chocolate Pudding, then here are some ideas for future inventors...

1. The UNHAPIspoon. If you eat too fast, it uses it's built-in speaker to playback every Hitler-screaming-his-ass-off moment from Downfall. This one will probably make you tear back to Walmart for a refund.

2. The OWMYHANDspoon. If you eat too fast, poison-tipped spikes will shoot out of the spoon and stab you in the hand. Following this is an extremely painful death. OWMYHANDspoon.inc takes no responsibility for anything. WARNING; this is a one-use product only.

3. The GORDONRAMSAYspoon. If you eat too fast, the spoon-head flies off the handle.

4. The SURPRISEspoon. Eating too fast, too slow, or anything out of the range of 1 spoonful per eight seconds (zero margin), will result in a 50000 volt electrical shock.

5. The iSpoon. This spoon is very similar to the HAPIspoon original, but includes a small touchscreen on the handle, that shows a sad face if you are eating too fast, and a happy face if you eat at the correct speed. However, the warranty is only 30 days and to repair it, you need a special set of iSpoon tools, and as soon as you open it up, Apple will deny they ever created the spoon.

That's all for today. I'll just post a picture of the original HAPIspoon. Looks weird, but whatever.

Also, who would buy different coloured ones?

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Biggest Ever Concerned Sibling Fail

I hate to use this STUPID, RIDICULOUS, NONSENSICAL slogan slash acronym, but OMG. This is something I call the...

Biggest Ever Concerned Sibling Fail.

So...this 12 year old girl (wish she was 13) in Waikato, New Zealand, decided to take a V8 Ford Falcon for a spin. Y'know, just to see the sights. Just the casual. Anyway, her concerned older sister (14), took off after her in a Nissan sportcar. Very sensible girl. I mean, to counteract having one crazy underage girl on the road, why don't we put another on? Brilliant!

And then she crashed into her sister.

At their own fecking driveway.


Neither was killed, but...just wow. It takes real driving skill to decide a red light is a "go" signal, but even more to crash into your own sister. This girl is amazing. Well done.

In other news, Anybody who is complaining about the cold in America, England, etc, can move to Australia or NZ. ITS BOILING. 32 degrees celsius in NZ, over 50 in Australia.

Who'd live in Australia anyway? We kiwis have a slogan.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. Like, 6 days late.

Thats all this post is about. Out of one-liners and can't be stuffed to post any more. Also just realised my last post was title-less (facepalm).